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Ready to design a life that works for you?

Please watch this video to understand how you can guarantee your success at FJA.

We’ve created it to share 7 top tips for how to best use FJA as a Dream Maker. In addition, the second part of this video gives you a complete tour of the FJA Dashboard as well as a peek into our vibrant community on Facebook and how to make the most of it. 

You’re in the right place! We’re here to work with you on your journey to Financial Independence.


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Featured Learning for the Month

make money monthly with sales funnels MASTERCLASs

Welcome to this important Masterclass to help you make money from your side hustle or business using Sales Funnels.

You will learn:

  • To understand the key components and strategies to build a sales funnel,
  • 5 stages of a sales funnel,
  • What activities and types of content you need to create for each of the 5 stages,
  • Why this is necessary for nurturing leads and creating customers who advocate for your products
  • How this helps with monetising via brand sponsorships,
  • Understanding buyer personas,
  • Understanding your target audience,
  • How to measure success,
  • What tools to use to make this happen.

This masterclass is very practical and will help you start making money sustainably through your online or offline business. Enjoy and apply the learning!

Where are you now on your Money Journey?

"Dream Makers achieve Financial Joy through creativity, stewardship and generous living"

- Ken & Mary
Upcoming Live Coaching Call
The next live session will be on:

Wednesday, 19th June at 8pm

Would you like us to answer specific questions on the call?
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Missed a live session? Catch up here:

Most Recent FJA Courses and Masterclasses

Below are just some of the most recent courses and masterclasses at FJA. For a complete list, follow the link below:

Do you know your ideal business type?

"Dream Makers believe in building a life's vision one day at a time"

- Ken & Mary
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